CA D Pathak

Forensic Audit and Fraud Investigation

Our Services

Forensic Audit and Fraud Investigation

We are in IBA ( Indian banking Association) for forensic audit of 50 Cr above exposure and successfully submitted many forensic audits reports of IBA also we are on serial no. 7 D. Pathak & Co.

Contact Person: Ankurit Srivastava
Phone: 9999056614, 8368133218

We have delivering service in the field of investigation, money laundering, diversion of funds, asset tracking, financial due diligence, search reports, balance sheet review, embezzlement of assets, Bribery and corruption Accounting Services, financial analysis, financial statement audit, Corporate Fraud Investigation services ,Cyber Security Services, Intelligence Services & Consulting on financial fraud security.

Occupational Fraud

Corporate Investigations includes capital expenditure review to check for overstatement of assets and compliance with contracts.

Expense verification mapping and review peer group comparison, time review from historical data which also includes reviews to check for overstatement or fictitious expenditure used to siphon out money or understate revenue.

Detailed analysis & Due diligence of physical invoices, vendors diligence   to test their authenticity and correctness.

Detailed review of soft data related to accounting and operations to test for any malpractice or suppression.

Digital & Gadget Laptop forensic, mobile forensic, Big data analysis email boxes, to understand email culture and check for transfer of information critical to an organization.

Financial statement frauds, cases where suspects intentionally manipulate items in the financial statements to give an incorrect picture to business owners.

Vendor related frauds, cases of fictitious vendors where suspects use fraudulent credentials to create vendors and raise invoices.

Employee Fraud, Internal or employee frauds are when fraud is committed against the company or organization a person is working for. Internal frauds can include payment fraud, procurement fraud, travel and subsistence fraud.

White Collar Investigations & Evidence Mapping, may involve falsifying financial information, such as transactions, trades and accounting entries in order to benefit the perpetrator of the crime. Insider trading, bribes, back dating of stock options and misuse of company property for personal gain are also fraudulent, with all detailed investigation with specialized professional including surveillance  ( real time / off line)

Corporate Espionage is the covert and sometimes illegal practice of investigating competitors to gain a business advantage. The target of investigation might be a trade secret such as a proprietary product specification or formula, or information about business plans.

Interviewing & Behavioral  Reporting  of the KMP ( key  management persons ) :-
behavioral  analysis test is conducted to all the suspect with the KMP to analysis their  views and patterns on subject.